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2022-2023 Schedule

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Square Dancing

3 Characteristics of Square Dance

Several distinct characteristics define square dance, including:

1. Caller:

In traditional and modern Western square dances, the square dance caller, or the person who announces the dance figures, determines which moves dancers perform on the dance floor. In traditional square dancing, the caller’s role is limited to announcing a set of basic dance steps, called in a predetermined order and repeated throughout the dance. In modern square dancing, the caller’s role is expanded significantly to that of an entertainer. They may improvise their calls, create challenging steps for the dancers, and provide a steady stream of rhyming words and phrases, called patter, which are either spoken or sung.

2. Calls:

Both traditional and modern square dancing feature several “calls,” or dance moves. The best-known of these calls is the “do-si-do,” also known as the dosado or dos-á-dos, in which two dancers face each other and pass right shoulders, move behind each other, and then pass left shoulders to face each other again. The “Promenade” features two dancers, with their right and left hips touching, and in some cases, with clasped hands, who walk counterclockwise around the dance floor. The “Allemande left” has two facing dancers who link their left hands, turn halfway to the left, and then release hands and step forward.

3. Music:

Music in traditional square dancing hasn’t changed much since the nineteenth century. It’s invariably old-time music based on jigs and reels, or hoedowns, and played on traditional acoustic instruments like banjos and guitars, with a fiddler leading the tune. Modern square dancing features a recorded variety of music, including pop,country, and even techno.


Clyde & Joy Lowe

Chanute DoSiDo Square Dance Organizers

Hello my name is Clyde Lowe my wife is Joy Lowe.  

I was born into square dancing as my folks  Harold and Vida Lowe were square dancing when I was born.   My folks helped to get the square dance started and the do-si-do club was formed in the fall of 1946 and the club is still going.   I danced when I was little and then got out of square dancing  got married and the fall of ’84 I found myself single.  Where in ’84 did you go in this town to meet some one.   Bars did not like that idea, so tried church it was good and alright by I was looking for more fun and fellowship that is when I went back to take lessons again.  That year I just had to much going so I dropped out. And when they started lessons in 85 I had thing set up so I could take lessons. So started dancing and having a good time. 

In the fall of 86 I was told about a single gal .  that might take lessons so went and talked  to her and she took lessons in 86 so the 2 so us just started to go to dances together.   In 87 there was a couple that was dancing and he died of a sudden heart attack. So the 3 of was  running around and having fun.   In april of 89 we went  to Joplin for a single square weekend  that was put on by the hoassda.  This stands for heart of America single square  assualition .  On sat of  that weekend I seen a gal and went and asked her  to dance, and for some reason she is still with me.  Her name was joy and on December 31st of 1989 we was married, She was from the KC area and was born and raised there.  She was single and had started dancing in 61 with her brother. Her folks also danced.  With square dancing she was able to go out and have some fun.

Square dancing is not that costly right now!

We only charge $5 per person for a evening of fun and fellowship.  So it is something that almost everyone can afford! Also an evening of dancing is close to a 3 mile walk and a hole lot more fun than just walking. If you can’t afford that, it is free to watch!

I hope  to see a lot of new faces coming and learning just how much fun this can be!!!  

Thanks for reading this.